


Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Meanderings

Bible Studies - Working in Virtuous Woman - Shattering the Supermom Myth by Vicki Courtney.

Homeschool Business - This week we will continue our studies - We are not enjoying our reader that is made of short stories so we are going to fight thru to finish it this week then move out side of the box and work on a novel. ALI and I both enjoy reading and a good novel is just what we need.

  • Bath Charlie (this is truely a weekly chorse since he has reached 40 pounds - whew)
  • Clean out storage room
  • Assemble 2 bookcases.
  • FPU class Wednesday night at church.


  • Monday - Taco Cresent Bake
  • Tuesday - Chicken Parm
  • Wednesday - Chicken Nuggets & Fries
  • Thursday - Penne Pasta Cassarole
  • Friday - Homemade Pizza
  • Saturday - Baked Chicken & Rice
  • Sunday - Meatloaf


Anonymous said...

mmmm! Your menu sounds sooo good. Have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like this Monday Meanderings. I might have to add it to my Personal Blog.

It's neat to get a glimpse into other people's daily life.

How are you liking Working in Virtuous Woman-Shattering the Supermom Myth. I'd like to read it.

Isn't Dave Ramsey amazing? We just finished the Online course and trying to work through the Babysteps.

life is good said...

I did the Virtuous Woman study right before I got married 4 years ago. It is an awesome study, and I pray you gain a lot from it!

Anonymous said...

Would you mind passing along a couple of recipes? I'd really like to see the recipes for the Taco Crescent Bake and the Penne Pasta Casserole. They both sound really good.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Renee said...

Your menu plan sounds wonderful! Have a great week!
