


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TightWad Tuesday

My tip for today is once a month grocery shopping!

I know that it is something that can only be done if you have the room. We started off last month with everything stacked to the ceiling, but finished the month off and actually saved money. I did spend all of my grocery budget of $580 for a family of 5, but what I did not have were all the extra trips to the store. I planned a menu for the month and stuck to it. I only had to run to the store to replenish the milk and that was all I bought. By doing this I eliminated the extra $30-$40 dollars above the budget grocery trips that we had each pay check. So we saved $60-$80 dollars last month. When JON and I did our budget this weekend we could see the difference and are looking forward to next month.

Side note...I bought several bulk items at Costco. I love Costco and I know that it is not always a savings ... you must watch, but we get alot of really good deals!!!

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